The Gida Initiative - protecting Motu cultural heritage
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Women are making cooking-pots ('uro') and bowls ('nau'). The architecture is typical of the houses of Poreporena, featuring a lower service deck, and upper porch.

Cooke Daniels Expedition 1903-1904. The man sitting on the service deck ('dehe') in the foreground is playing a large sede, while the children (rear left) are using smaller ones. The planks of wood that surface the 'dehe' are the sides of old canoes.

Bamboo percussion instrument, the tongue of which is beaten with a stick. It produces a ringing sound, with a pitch that quickly falls.

Possibly Boera. Depicts a village street with pottery production in full swing.

Collected at Boera, 1950s

Collected at Boera, 1950s

Last surviving potter, Boera Village

Unstratified Pot Sherd, collected at Boera, 1950s